The Cancer Reform Strategy builds on the progress made since the publication of the NHS Cancer Plan in 2000 and sets a clear direction for cancer services for the next five years. It shows how by 2012 our cancer services can and should become among the best in the world.

The role of AES Medical

The cancer reform strategy states that collecting and using improved information on different aspects of cancer services is central to delivering this strategy.

Some of the most important gaps in data collection are identified as follows:

-Information on histopathology and cytopathology is inadequately recorded;

-For those cancers covered by national clinical audits, returns are being made for only between one third and two thirds of incident cases

PathoSys® through electronic collection of Histopathology Cancer Data at the point of diagnosis provides NHS Trusts with a databased central store, which facilitates real time access for Cancer Services of the Royal College of Pathologists Dataset, NCASP clinical audit data and NHS Screening Programme data.

Pathology Laboratories are now expected to provide the Royal College of Pathologists Dataset information to the Cancer Registries.

PathoSys® has the capability of providing electronic export of all the Royal College of Pathologists dataset items for rapid processing by Cancer Services or the Registry.

1.The Cancer Reform Strategy – Section 8.14
2.The Cancer Reform Strategy – Section 8.17